Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow


Thank you for visiting our web site.


We still have a lot of work to do here, so please be patient with us.  Our shopping cart and store is now open.


Please check out the tab "Important Information" before buying.  There are a few things about our shipping charges you should be made aware of.


For the latest updates check out our Facebook page.  Thanks.

Gifts From Atlantis on Facebook

All of the content, images, logos and photos appearing on this website are copyrighted and are the property of their owners.



All rights reserved.

Contact Information

For questions about us, what we sell, if you know of a product line that you would like to see us carry, or if there is an event that we might be interested in, then please send an e-mail to:

If you have a sales question, including questions about shipping, your order, or refunds and returns please send an e-mail to:

Our Mailing Address:
This is not our shipping address.


Gifts From Atlantis
P.O. Box 3472
Bellevue, WA 98009


Message Phone:
Call it any time day or night.


Important note about the Message Phone - When called, all you will hear for a greeting is:  "You Have reached 206-363-1688 at the tone please record your message."  This is done to keep telemarketers away, or at least keep them guessing. And for the most part it works.


Or just fill out the form below and press send.

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Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.